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Jardín, Antioquia

One of our 94 Pueblos

This Coffee journey started long time ago. I was probably three or four years old when I tried the drink for the first time.

My family used to drink coffee several times a day, but my memory always brings me back to the evenings when the smell of those sweet and fruity coffee notes emerged from the kitchen.

I'm convinced that coffee is connected to our sounds. No matter where we are, the aroma is a free ticket to visit our most intimate remembrances.

I'm from Medellín, the capital of Antioquia, one of the 32 "departamentos" states or provinces in Colombia where Coffee growing is the largest agricultural activity.

Coffee is everywhere you go, is a vast portion of the fields outside the city, particularly in the southwest.

Three hours from Medellín in this direction, the landscape changes. After leaving the tight valley of the Aburrá and crossing the beautiful landscape of the Cauca River, the coffee mountains make their way with a more intense blue sky and a greener and brighter forest.

You know you are stepping on coffee land when see the plantations all over.

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